Incremental efficient frontier

In this tutorial, I quickly describe how to compute and update an efficient frontier in adding stocks to an existing porfolio with R.

Step 1: Efficient frontier

First let’s write a simple code for an efficient frontier computation


efficient_frontier = function(MRet                         #matrix of returns (MRet)
                              , rangeMu)                   #range (sequence) of target expected returns (rangeMu)
  uM <- dim(MRet)[1]                                       #get the row (uM) and column (pM) dimensions of the matrix of returns
  pM <- dim(MRet)[2]
  expRet <- colMeans(MRet)                                 #compute the portfolio's individual stocks expected returns

  Omega = var(MRet)                                        #compute the sample var-covar matrix

  unityVec <- rep(1, pM)                                   #define a constraints vector (weights of the portfolio must sum to one)
  A <- rbind(expRet, unityVec)                             #define a matrix of constraints (weights sum to one and variance will match a                                                                   #target level of expected returns)        

  n <- length(rangeMu)                                     #get the length of the target range (sequence)
  myVar <- rep(NA, n)                                      #define an empty variance vector
  myWeights <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = n, ncol = pM)      #define an empty matrix of weights for each stock at each level of target
                                                           #expected returns
  for(i in 1:n)                                            #loop over the target expected returns range and compute variances and weights 
    b <- matrix(data = c(rangeMu[i], 1), nrow = 2)
    myVar[i] <- t(b) %*% solve(A %*% solve(Omega) %*% t(A)) %*% b
    myWeights[i,] <- solve(Omega) %*% t(A) %*% solve(A %*% solve(Omega) %*% t(A)) %*% b

  mySd <- myVar^0.5                                        #compute the standard deviation vector
  return(mySd)                                             #return the standard deviation vector

Step 2: Incremental efficient frontier


efficient_frontier_increment = function(MRet)                      #define a function that takes as argument a matrix of returns (MRet)
  pM <- dim(MRet)[2]                                               #get the column (pM) dimension of the matrix of returns
  rangeMu <- seq(-0.01, 0.05, 0.001)                               #hard code the vector of expected returns (can be passed as argument)
  mySd <- efficient_frontier(MRet[, 1:9], rangeMu)                 #compute the sd vector of the portfolio composed of the first nine stocks                                                         #get a new plot
  plot(mySd * 100                                                  #plot the efficient frontier of the portfolio composed of the first 9 stocks
       , rangeMu * 100
       , xlab = "volatility (%)"
       , ylab = "expected return (%)"
       , t = 'l'
       , xlim = c(0, max(mySd * 100))
       , ylim = c(-1, 5))   
  Sys.sleep(2)                                                     #enjoy the chart for two seconds
  for(j in 10:pM)                                                  #loop over all stocks and increment the portfolio with the next stock
    mySd <- efficient_frontier(MRet[, 1:j], rangeMu)               #recompute the efficient frontier
    lines(mySd * 100, rangeMu * 100, col = 'red')                  #add a line of the more efficient frontier on the chart
    Sys.sleep(0.1)                                                 #define how long you want to wait before the next one

Result in animation

Fig 1. Animation of an efficient frontier with stock increment

Fig 1. Animation of an efficient frontier with stock increment

To run the code with real historical figures, I propose a *.csv file of NYSE returns Download nyse_stocks_historical_returns.csv